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Future Energy: Pitch FAQ

Q: What is the format of a pitch?

Each pitch follows this format:

  • First, the startup founder gives a 3 minute pitch
  • Each pitch is followed by 3 minutes of Q&A.  Questions will come primarily from the panel but also from the audience.
  • Finally, each startup will receive 3 minutes of panel advice.  During this section, the startup founder is only listening, not responding.

Q: What topics should my pitch cover?

Your pitch should focus on three areas.  You only have 3 minutes.  Be sure to rehearse your pitch so you can cover everything.

  • Your core technology
  • How your technology is different than existing solutions
  • How you will capitalize on that differentiation
Please do not focus on:
  • Global energy demand/trends
  • The regulatory environment
  • Market size

Q: Can I bring a Powerpoint deck?

Yes.  You will be required to submit your Powerpoint slides one week in advance of the presentation.  Your slides can contain a maximum of 2 slides.  The slides are there as a visual aid for to demonstrate the technology, rather than as a focus of the presentation.

At least one of your two slides should be dedicated to explaining your core technology in detail.

It’s a good idea to include some form of diagram, photo, or image that demonstrates your technology.

Q: How can I make the most of my pitch?

  • You should definitely rehearse your pitch before the event.  You only get two minutes to speak, so make the most of it.  The more you rehearse the better you’ll be.
  • Ultra Light Startups has partnered with Mac Lipscomb, a CEO coach and investor pitch/fundraising expert.  Mac provides free presentation training for all Future Energy pitchers.  You will be notified of how to schedule this training after your pitch application has been approved.  Be sure to take advantage of this
  • It’s very important to speak directly into the microphone – and keep it very close to your mouth.  If you don’t, nobody can hear you and nothing you say will matter.  Not being able to hear the speaker is by far the #1 cause of complaints about bad pitches.
  • The audience (and anyone on Twitter) will vote on the best pitches on Twitter.  All prizes are awarded on the basis of Twitter voting.  Feel free to have your friends attend and vote for you.

Q: How do I win the pitch contest?

The most important factors in winning are:

  1. Have a pitch that people can understand.  If  the audience can’t immediately grasp what you do, the’re probably not going to vote for you.  For best results, practice your pitch early and often.
  2. Have a compelling product and business.
  3. Have your friends there to support you. The more of your supporters you have voting for you, the better your chances.